Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Farewell for Pete

and Dinah - again

I've been rather slack on the Friday Theme organising this contract. From memory I managed to forget to come in theme for all the Friday Theme days I tried to organise.

So I'll do my best to go out with a blast.

We farewell Pete and Dinah (yours truely) on Apil 20th with waffles and a fabulous chance to express yourselves in denim.

Pete reasons that everyone owns some denim. If you don't own a pair of jeans, now is the time to get to the Levi shop and buy some.

Because I'd rather wear a flowery shirt (and maybe my jeans will be too tight to fit waffles in) I thought that I'd expand the theme to  Easy Rider.
That's the Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda Easy Rider not the sadly sunk Stewart Island ship.

Turns out that Hopper and Fonda didn't wear Levis as much as leather and tassels. Which, coincidently, is much more my kind of theme dress-up.

Here are some inspirational pictures.

 Peter Fonda looks a bit Adam Ant in this one.

 And a bit fey in this one

 Love that shirt!

And that moustache.

If anyone has a tassly jacket please wear it. 
I'm not too sure what these folk have to do with Easy rider but my google image search found this. 
It has given me ideas.


You are welcome to wear "low riders" but please nothing like these.

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